Results for 'Raúl Ruíz Cecilia'

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  1.  37
    Aproximación lingüística, sociocultural Y didáctica a mr loveday’s little outing.Raúl Ruiz Cecilia & Cristina Pérez Valverde - 2012 - Alpha (Osorno) 35:195-206.
    Los estudios de géneros discursivos han prestado poca atención a las tesis o seminarios producidos para la obtención del grado de licenciatura. En este artículo se describe, desde el enfoque del genre analysis (Swales, 1990), la organización retórica del marco referencial de un conjunto de 30 tesis de pregrado elaboradas por estudiantes de la carrera de Trabajo Social de la UCSC. Se identifican cuatro movidas retóricas: teórico, conceptual, empírico y normativo. Se observa que cada una tiene propósitos diferentes sobre cuestiones (...)
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    Género En Los Manuales Escolares de Francés En Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.Concepción Porras Pérez & Raúl Ruíz Cecilia - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-12.
    Sin duda, hoy en día el uso de los manuales escolares en clase de lenguas extranjeras sigue siendo un apoyo importante en el proceso de aprendizaje de otras lenguas. Sin embargo, debemos prestar atención a los conceptos y a los valores éticos que pueden transmitir a nuestro alumnado. Nos centraremos en los estereotipos de género que, aún a día de hoy, siguen presentes en muchos de los libros de texto que usamos a diario en las aulas. Por tanto, resulta esencial (...)
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    Khan Academy Platform for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.Flaviano Armando Zenteno Ruiz, Raúl Malpartida Lovatón, Wilfredo Florencio Rojas Rivera, Juan Antonio Carbajal Mayhua & Víctor Luis Albornoz Dávila - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:573-585.
    Objective: To assess the impact of Khan Academy on the Mathematics educational process for UNDAC students and determine the relevance and efficacy of its content and strategies within the Mathematics-Physics program. Methodology: This research is framed within the positivist paradigm and takes on a quantitative approach. An experimental pre-experimental design was used with pretest and posttest in a single group. The study is applied in nature and is grounded in the contributions of expert researchers and methodologists on the subject. Analytical (...)
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  4. L'éclectisme cousinien dans les travaux de Ventura Marín et d'Andrés Bello.Carlos Ruiz & Cecilia Sánchez - 1991 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 18:183-195.
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    Poética del cine.Raúl Ruiz - 2000 - Providencia, Stgo. [i.e. Santiago, Chile]: Editorial Sudamericana.
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    Archeological Tourist Destination Image Formation: Influence of Information Sources on the Cognitive, Affective and Unique Image.Nuria Huete-Alcocer, Maria Pilar Martinez-Ruiz, Víctor Raúl López-Ruiz & Alicia Izquiedo-Yusta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:484524.
    A destination’s image is a critical factor in tourists’ perceptions and evaluations of said destination. This paper analyzes the formation of the tourist destination image of Segóbriga Archeological Park, a cultural destination located in the province of Cuenca (Spain) that holds great heritage value. To this end, the paper adopted a multidimensional approach and used PLS-SEM to analyze the destination image, taking into account not only its cognitive and affective components, but also the unique image component. The latter has received (...)
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    Mrs Rylands‘s Cuban origins.Raul Ruiz - 2003 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 85 (1):121-126.
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    La desvinculación de la izquierda española del concepto de Nación.Raúl Ramírez Ruiz - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (47).
    Today the definition of Spain as a national, historical and sovereign entity is in crisis. This situation has been reached because the Spanish left has assumed as its own many of the ideas about the concept of the Spanish nation of peripheral nationalisms. In this article we try to discover the causes of this identification through the study of the propaganda texts that the opposition to the Franco regime had on the national concept, rescued in the rulings of the Public (...)
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    Chaos, Fractals, and Our Concept of Disease.Manuel Varela, Raul Ruiz-Esteban & Maria Jose Mestre De Juan - 2010 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 53 (4):584-595.
    The concept of disease is deeply rooted in medical practice, and one can hardly conceive of caring for patients without this tool. Nevertheless, under this seemingly uncontroversial idea there are some highly polemical axioms that we usually take for granted, even though they often lead us to some uncomfortable inconsistencies and contradictions. Some of the conceptual issues derived from our traditional view of disease, which condition the way we conceive and practice medicine, include:We conceive of disease as a real entity (...)
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    Impact of the Physical Activity on Bullying.Inmaculada Méndez, Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban & Enrique Ortega - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Risk and Protective Factors Associated to Peer School Victimization.Inmaculada Méndez, Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban & J. J. López-García - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Numbers on the edges: A simplified and scalable method for quantifying the Gene Regulation Function.Raul Fernandez-Lopez, Irene del Campo, Raúl Ruiz, Val Lanza, Luis Vielva & Fernando de la Cruz - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (4):346-355.
    The gene regulation function (GRF) provides an operational description of a promoter behavior as a function of the concentration of one of its transcriptional regulators. Behind this apparently trivial definition lies a central concept in biological control: the GRF provides the input/output relationship of each edge in a transcriptional network, independently from the molecular interactions involved. Here we discuss how existing methods allow direct measurement of the GRF, and how several trade‐offs between scalability and accuracy have hindered its application to (...)
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    Affective Profiles and Anxiety or Non-Anxiety-Related Reasons for School Refusal Behavior: Latent Profile Analysis in Spanish Adolescents.Carolina Gonzálvez, Ángela Díaz-Herrero, María Vicent, Ricardo Sanmartín, Aitana Fernández-Sogorb & Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Little has been studied on the relationship between affect and school problems related with attendance. This study aims to identify different affective profiles and to determine whether these profiles differ from each other based on the four functional conditions of school refusal behavior. Participants comprised 1,816 Spanish adolescents aged 15–18 years. The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children-Short Form and the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised for Children were administered. Latent profile analysis revealed five affective profiles: low affective profile, self-fulfilling (...)
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  14.  23
    Profiles of Burnout, Coping Strategies and Depressive Symptomatology.Juan Pedro Martínez, Inmaculada Méndez, Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban, Aitana Fernández-Sogorb & José Manuel García-Fernández - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  15. Stress, Coping, and Resilience Before and After COVID-19: A Predictive Model Based on Artificial Intelligence in the University Environment.Francisco Manuel Morales-Rodríguez, Juan Pedro Martínez-Ramón, Inmaculada Méndez & Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 global health emergency has greatly impacted the educational field. Faced with unprecedented stress situations, professors, students, and families have employed various coping and resilience strategies throughout the confinement period. High and persistent stress levels are associated with other pathologies; hence, their detection and prevention are needed. Consequently, this study aimed to design a predictive model of stress in the educational field based on artificial intelligence that included certain sociodemographic variables, coping strategies, and resilience capacity, and to study the (...)
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  16.  38
    Raúl Ruiz: Ontología de lo Fantástico. Territorios, Políticas Estéticas y Polisemia Visual.Adolfo Vásquez Rocca - 2010 - Aisthesis 48:31-47.
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    Raúl Ruiz a través del Espejo: de la representación a la alegoría.Valeria de los Ríos - 2010 - Aisthesis 47.
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    Self-Esteem at University: Proposal of an Artificial Neural Network Based on Resilience, Stress, and Sociodemographic Variables.Juan Pedro Martínez-Ramón, Francisco Manuel Morales-Rodríguez, Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban & Inmaculada Méndez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Artificial intelligence is a useful predictive tool for a wide variety of fields of knowledge. Despite this, the educational field is still an environment that lacks a variety of studies that use this type of predictive tools. In parallel, it is postulated that the levels of self-esteem in the university environment may be related to the strategies implemented to solve problems. For these reasons, the aim of this study was to analyze the levels of self-esteem presented by teaching staff and (...)
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    El narrador Raúl Ruiz y la invención de Chile.Felipe Larrea Melgarejo - 2017 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 8 (2):77-103.
    Nos proponemos indagar y delimitar, un período determinado de producción fílmica de Raúl Ruiz, realizada en Chile durante la década recién pasada. Ruiz instalará un tipo de narración fílmica inspirado en el rescate de algunos cuentos populares, y de una cierta literatura chilena de fines del siglo xix y principios del xx. Si a mediados de los años 90, en su primera Poética del cine, insistió en resistir al modelo impuesto por el cine industrial, de que la narración determina (...)
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  20.  20
    Profiles of Mobile Phone Problem Use in Bullying and Cyberbullying Among Adolescents.Inmaculada Méndez, Ana Belén Jorquera Hernández & Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    De los usos de la muerte en La expropiación de Raúl Ruiz.Nicolas Lema Habash - 2021 - Aisthesis 69.
    Se propone una interpretación del filme La expropiación de Raúl Ruiz, realizado en 1971-1973. Se analizan los distintos dispositivos que hacen alusión al tema de la “muerte” en la cinta y, desde una perspectiva cinematográfica comparada, se proponen las principales intervenciones que Ruiz hace con esta película al género del “muerto viviente”. Se argumenta que la muerte se constituye en un aspecto que permite movilizar una serie de ideas respecto del proceso político chileno. Los muertos vivientes se constituyen en (...)
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    Políticas de la espectralidad en el cine de Raúl Ruiz: una lectura desde una filosofía de la desaparición.Adolfo Vera Peñaloza - 2013 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 1:92-101.
    The cinematographic work of Raul Ruiz, filmmaker, writer, playwright and stage designer, chilean exiled in France since the late 70's and deceased in 2011, at first sight not appear as a political work. Usually classified with the labels of "neosurrealistic" or "fantasy film", his work, since not refer to a specific and identifiable reality from the positivist sociology standpoint, will have not most interest to analyze and think what the political "emergency" of our times requires. However, from a philosophical analysis (...)
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  23.  20
    discurso eurocéntrico en los manuales españoles de Historia del Arte de Bachillerato.Raúl López Castelló & David Parra-Monserrat - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:326-343.
    Esta investigación analiza la presencia del discurso eurocéntrico en los manuales de Historia del Arte de Bachillerato desde una dimensión sociogenética. La muestra se compone de ejemplares pertenecientes a editoriales españolas de alcance nacional (Anaya, ECIR, Ediciones Ruiz, SM, Teide y Vicens Vives) en una cronología que comprende los distintos periodos por los que ha atravesado la materia entre 1953 y 2006. El estudio deriva de la aplicación de un guion de análisis documental que contempla, entre sus variables, la construcción (...)
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  24.  15
    Poética de la lectura en Raúl Dorra.Víctor Alejandro Ruiz Ramírez - 2023 - Valenciana 32 (32):203-229.
    Raúl Dorra dedica, a lo largo de su obra, un lugar central al estudio de la escritura donde la lectura aparece como su correlato. Sin ser fenomenólogo, Dorra, no obstante, siempre plantea de modo intencional la relación entre lectura y escritura al considerar que en la segunda anida la presencia de un sujeto que la primera desentraña al hacer oír su voz. El presente artículo explora el intercambio entre la percepción visual de la escritura y la auditiva de la (...)
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    Rendering the Nineteenth Century: Narrative Time and Hegemonic Struggles in Raúl Ruiz's Mysteries of Lisbon.Giuseppina Mecchia - 2018 - Diacritics 46 (1):80-97.
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    En torno a El tiempo recobrado de Raúl Ruiz: las resistencias de Proust.Matías Rebolledo - 2011 - Aisthesis 49:113-130.
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    Cine y filosofía: las entrevistas de Fata Morgana.Emilio Bernini, Roberto De Gaetano, Daniele Dottorini & Nuccio Ordine (eds.) - 2015 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: El Cuenco de Plata.
    Pensar en el cine como ocasión y potencia del pensamiento significa en efecto, en primer lugar, sustraer la imagen contemporánea del dominio de los estudios especializados y, en segundo lugar, pensar a partir de aquello que el cine crea (como recordaba Deleuze): esto es, las imágenes mismas. El cine redescubre su potencia a través de sus propias formas. Entrevistas de la revista italiana Fata Morgana con: Jacques Rancière, Roberto Esposito, Jean-luc Nancy, Slavoj Zizek, Julia Kristeva, Werner Herzog, Raúl Ruiz, (...)
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    Chile, año cero. La imagen-esperanza en el cine de la Unidad Popular.Natalia Taccetta - 2023 - Aisthesis 74:129-148.
    Desde una perspectiva teórica cercana al giro afectivo, estas páginas se proponen reflexionar sobre la construcción de la esperanza en parte del cine de la Unidad Popular chilena durante los primeros meses del gobierno de Salvador Allende. No se revisan en profundidad filmes sobre los que se ha dicho todo, sino que se rastrea en algunos lo que se da en llamar la imagen-esperanza. Para ello, se eligen tres filmes cuya única nota común es corresponderse de modos diversos con una (...)
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    Film Theory: Creating a Cinematic Grammar.Felicity Colman - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    Film Theory addresses the core concepts and arguments created or used by academics, critical film theorists, and filmmakers, including the work of Dudley Andrew, Raymond Bellour, Mary Ann Doane, Miriam Hansen, bell hooks, Siegfried Kracauer, Raul Ruiz, P. Adams Sitney, Bernard Stiegler, and Pier Paolo Pasolini. This volume takes the position that film theory is a form of writing that produces a unique cinematic grammar; and like all grammars, it forms part of the system of rules that govern a language, (...)
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    Explaining the origins of multicellularity: between evolutionary dynamics and developmental mechanisms.A. C. Love - 2016 - In K. J. Niklas & S. A. Newman (eds.), Multicellularity: Origins and Evolution. MIT press. pp. 279–295.
    Overview The evolution of multicellularity raises questions regarding genomic and developmental commonalities and discordances, selective advantages and disadvantages, physical determinants of development, and the origins of morphological novelties. It also represents a change in the definition of individuality, because a new organism emerges from interactions among single cells. This volume considers these and other questions, with contributions that explore the origins and consequences of the evolution of multicellularity, addressing a range of topics, organisms, and experimental protocols. Each section focuses on (...)
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    La idea de filosofía en Ortega y Gasset.Jesús Ruiz Fernández - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 35 (1):111-132.
    This article does a research into a theme that has not been studied specifically. This is curious, as the idea of philosophy is the most important one in Ortega y Gasset’s system. Here, it is considered concerning its specifity: the principles of pantonomy and autonomy his platitudinous nature and its integrating and critical functions. As it can be seen, Philosophy’s traditional characteristics. Ortega sets them out in a masterly way, reaching its hight literary brilliance when he praises Philosophy.
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  32. Sensorimotor Oscillations Prior to Speech Onset Reflect Altered Motor Networks in Adults Who Stutter.Anna-Maria Mersov, Cecilia Jobst, Douglas O. Cheyne & Luc De Nil - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:213340.
    Adults who stutter (AWS) have demonstrated atypical coordination of motor and sensory regions during speech production. Yet little is known of the speech-motor network in AWS in the brief time window preceding audible speech onset. The purpose of the current study was to characterize neural oscillations in the speech-motor network during preparation for and execution of overt speech production in AWS using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Twelve AWS and twelve age-matched controls were presented with 220 words, each word embedded in a carrier (...)
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    La presencia en el principio: un argumento gnoseológico sobre la diferencia entre Platón y Plotino.Raul Gutierrez - 2022 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 32:e03208.
    La aceptación de la identidad de la Idea del Bien con lo Uno no necesariamente implica, como recentemente ha sostenido Gerson (2019), que Platón y Plotino comparten esa identificación en los mismos términos. Para insistir en esta diferencia me apoyo en un argumento gnoseológico. Si bien ambos filósofos sostienen la posibilidad de acceder a una presencia en el principio y para describirla recurren a una metáfora erótica, para Platón esa presencia implica la realización plena del Nous en la aprehensión noética (...)
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  34. Cuidados de enfermería avanzados (cea).María Cecilia Campos - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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    Lo local en la teoría y en la política.Raúl González Meyer - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    En este artículo se fundamenta y promueve la necesidad de comprensión de lo local como escala de lo social, y como una producción social resultante de la acción e interacción de agentes que actúan desde diferentes escalas, intereses y objetivos. Se sostiene, además que ello ha sido un campo analítico de bajo desarrollo en Chile y América Latina, aunque se puede inventariar un conjunto de aproximaciones que directa o indirectamente se han referido a ello en el pasado. Por otro lado, (...)
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  36. Metamemory as evidence of animal consciousness: The type that does the trick.Nicholas Shea Æ Cecilia Heyes - unknown
    The question of whether non-human animals are conscious is of fundamental importance. There are already good reasons to think that many are, based on evolutionary continuity and other considerations. However, the hypothesis is notoriously resistant to direct empirical test. Numerous studies have shown behaviour in animals analogous to consciously-produced human behaviour. Fewer probe whether the same mechanisms are in use. One promising line of evidence about consciousness in other animals derives from experiments on metamemory. A study by Hampton (Proc Natl (...)
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    El Lugar de lo contingente en el mundo natural de aristóteles.Liliana Cecilia Molina González - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 33:99-121.
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    Lógica de la decadencia. En torno a las formas deficientes de gobierno en la República de Platón.Raúl Gutiérrez - 2002 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 26:43-62.
    El presente trabajo pretende establecer una “lógica” en la exposición y análisis de las formas deficientes de gobierno en fa República VIII-X, más no en el sentido del “historicismo”, respecto del cual toma una clara y crítica distancia. Con ese propósito busca primero establecer el lugar que ocupa esa exposición en el conjunto de la obra y luego, abordar la cuestión del criterio y del fundamento que permite distinguirlas de la pólis ideal -la única que constituye una unidad- y ordenarlas (...)
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    The Structure of Plato’s Republic and the Cave Allegory.Raul Gutiérrez - 2019 - Peitho 10 (1):65-84.
    As Plato’s Phaedrus 246c stipulates, every logos must be structured like a living being, i.e., the relation of all its parts to one another and to the whole must be appropriate. Thus, the present paper argues that Plato’s masterwork has been organized in accord with the ascent/descent movement as presented in the Allegory of the Cave: Book I represents eikasia, Books II–IV.434c exemplify pistis, Book IV.434d–444e illustrates dianoia and Books V–VII express noesis. Having reached the anabasis the philosopher turns to (...)
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    El principio de Plotino y el inicio de una época.Raúl Gutiérrez - 1990 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 2 (1):49-67.
    En base a una confrontación estrictamente racional con la tradición filosófica, Plotino establece un principio transcendente al ser y al pensamiento y que, sin embargo, funge como principio creador, constitutivo y diferenciador de todo lo existente: el Uno o la Unidad absolutamente simple. En sí mismo inaccesible, se manifiesta ya sea por revelación (la cual sólo es una hipótesis para Plotino) o por sus efectos. Por eso, el discurso filosófico sobre el Uno sólo es posible desde la perspectiva de la (...)
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  41. (3 other versions)Social Robots in Social Institutions. Proceedings of Robophilosophy’22.Raul Hakli, Pekka Mäkelä & Johanna Seibt (eds.) - 2022 - IOS Press.
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  42. Social Robots in Social Institutions.Raul Hakli, Pekka Mäkelä & Johanna Seibt (eds.) - 2022 - IOS Press.
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    Die Frage nach Gerechtigkeit: Platons Politeia I und die Gerechtigkeitstheorien von Aristoteles, Hobbes und Nietzsche.Raul Heimann - 2015 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
  44. Metanoia in the sermon on the mount - a philosophical approach.Raul Heimann - 2022 - In Athanasios Despotis & Hermut Löhr (eds.), Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions. Boston: Ancient Philosophy & Religion.
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    Asombro y Tiempo Dirigido En Los Escritos de Juventud de Simone Weil.Juan-Manuel Ruiz Jiménez - 2023 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 64 (156):835-856.
    ABSTRACT In this article we analyze the attempt that young Simone Weil made for thinking time and change, and for deciphering the participation that the world and the mind may have in its configuration. To achieve this, we set out to elucidate two concepts that we believe synthesize her approach: the first one is astonishment, understood both in its quality of incessant intuition that reveals the human impotence to understand the present, and in its quality as a mediating instance between (...)
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    FORMAÇÃO E COMPETÊNCIA: os desafios do serviço social.Elivete Cecília de Andrade - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (2):235-245.
    Este texto apresenta alguns aspectos significativos que marcaram o processo de formação dos assistentes sociais do Curso de Serviço Social de Tubarão, Santa Catarina. Através da análise de sua trajetória, evidenciamos as lutas instauradas e as relações estabelecidas com o campo do poder, as quais estão associadas à trajetória do referido curso.
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    Disadvantaged Identities: Conflict and Education from Disability, Culture and Social Class.Ignacio Calderón-Almendros & Cristóbal Ruiz-Román - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (9).
    This project reflects on the way in which students in a situation of social risk construct their identity. Based on the reflections and theories originating from research conducted on individuals and collective groups in a situation of social exclusion due to disability, social class or ethnicity, this paper will analyse the conflicts these students have to deal with when constructing their identity. It also examines the challenge that education has to face to turn those conflicts into opportunities that will help (...)
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  48. Constitución política y poder constituyente de la comunidad: una aproximación en perspectiva de fundamentos.Sergio Raúl Castaño - 2006 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 1:67-106.
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    Ironía, debilidad y hastío.Jorge Raúl Hernández - 1997 - Tópicos 5:79-85.
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  50. Sobre una lectura posible del capítulo XIII de Leviathan.Juan José Ruiz-Rico López-Lendínez - 1974 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 14:160-185.
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